
Naming Ceremony

A naming ceremony is a non-religious celebration for the arrival of a new child.
It is a way of welcoming the child and officially introducing him/her to family and friends. Naming Ceremonies however, are appropriate for anyone at any age. Reasons to hold a naming ceremony could include the arrival of a new baby, the uniting of step or adopted children within a family, or an adult name change.

Anyone who is likely to be an important person in the child’s life should be invited to the naming ceremony. Grandparents, godparents, mentors or anyone who is likely to play a supportive role throughout the child life should be considered as contributors in the ceremony.

Naming Ceremony Order Suggestion

  • Celebrant welcomes everyone and does an introduction.
  • Explain how the child’s name was chosen and if the name has any
    significant meanings.
  • Reading(s) and/or poem(s).
  • Acknowledge special ancestors (who are living or who have passed) i.e.
    Grandparents, then acknowledge the child’s siblings, if they have any.
  • Parents make their promises to the child and share their hopes and dreams for their child’s future.
  • Introduce the Godparents or Mentors and state the expectations of them.
  • Presentation of the naming certificate.
  • Final thoughts and conclusion by the Naming Ceremony Celebrant.

If you are thinking about planning a naming ceremony,
I would love to discuss your requirements. Please contact me for a quote.